This Guy at the Gym Is Way Too Hot!! - He’ll Even “Practice” With Me at Night! • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4171990
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The narrator is in the middle of a steamy night at a hotel in Yokohama. He's been working out with a guy named Kitagawa at the gym, and he's about to have sex with him when he sees a guy checking in on him. The guy says, "Hey, I'm going to check in on you" . The narrator doesn't think it's a good idea, but then he realizes that the guy is totally into sex and wants to do it with him. So he decides to do the sex act himself. He tells the guy to squeeze his nipples with a panto , and the guy does it. It's so hot and steamy that the narrator can't believe how hard he has to work to get the nipple tips to "whisper" , which is a fancy way of saying "swallow." The narrator tries to tell the guy how to touch him, but the guy doesn' t seem to be able to do anything with his fingers. Finally, the narrator tells him to grab the panto and pull him into a tight squeeze . He says he'll have to wait until the guy's ready, but that's not going to happen any time soon. He wants to kiss the guy, but he doesn t want to do so yet.
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This Guy at the Gym Is Way Too Hot!! - He’ll Even “Practice” With Me at Night! • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4171990
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The narrator is in the middle of a steamy night at a hotel in Yokohama. He's been working out with a guy named Kitagawa at the gym, and he's about to have sex with him when he sees a guy checking in on him. The guy says, "Hey, I'm going to check in on you" . The narrator doesn't think it's a good idea, but then he realizes that the guy is totally into sex and wants to do it with him. So he decides to do the sex act himself. He tells the guy to squeeze his nipples with a panto , and the guy does it. It's so hot and steamy that the narrator can't believe how hard he has to work to get the nipple tips to "whisper" , which is a fancy way of saying "swallow." The narrator tries to tell the guy how to touch him, but the guy doesn' t seem to be able to do anything with his fingers. Finally, the narrator tells him to grab the panto and pull him into a tight squeeze . He says he'll have to wait until the guy's ready, but that's not going to happen any time soon. He wants to kiss the guy, but he doesn t want to do so yet.
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