A Frisky Noble

A Frisky Noble • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-4407770
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
It's the fifth day of the sex-experiment, and we're still not sure what's going on. We're guessing that it's some kind of "secret technique" , but we don't know what it is. The narrator's not exactly sure what to make of it, but she's pretty sure that she'd like to have sex with him. She's a little worried about how she'll be able to pull it off, but the narrator reassures us that the drugs will do the trick.
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A Frisky Noble

A Frisky Noble • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-4407770
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
It's the fifth day of the sex-experiment, and we're still not sure what's going on. We're guessing that it's some kind of "secret technique" , but we don't know what it is. The narrator's not exactly sure what to make of it, but she's pretty sure that she'd like to have sex with him. She's a little worried about how she'll be able to pull it off, but the narrator reassures us that the drugs will do the trick.
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