In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Nemo, who is working as a salesman for a trading company. Nemo's cologne makes him smell like a rich man, and he feels that he is falling in love with his co-worker, a woman named Nachi, whom Nemo has just met at a party. Nemo, however, is not falling for Nachi; he is merely trying to get her to kiss him. He does not want her to think that his love for her is a lie, but that she is a trap for him to ensnare in. He feels that if he is under the spell, he will be able to seduce her for a short period of time, but he is not sure if it is the curse or the power of the spell that makes him fall for her.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Nemo, who is working as a salesman for a trading company. Nemo's cologne makes him smell like a rich man, and he feels that he is falling in love with his co-worker, a woman named Nachi, whom Nemo has just met at a party. Nemo, however, is not falling for Nachi; he is merely trying to get her to kiss him. He does not want her to think that his love for her is a lie, but that she is a trap for him to ensnare in. He feels that if he is under the spell, he will be able to seduce her for a short period of time, but he is not sure if it is the curse or the power of the spell that makes him fall for her.