"Breast fortune telling" is the title of this chapter's epigraph. It's a pun on the Latin phrase "panto," which means "to squeeze" or "squish." It also refers to the way in which a woman's nipples squeeze against her chest. In other words, it's the way a woman squeezes her nipple against her breast. In this chapter, we're introduced to a woman named Karin, who's in the middle of a "breast fortune telling." She's about to have sex with a guy named Shmooper, but she's not having any of the sexy stuff, so she doesn't want to get in trouble. She wants to get a little more "bang" on her butt before she can "cum." She wants a little "slap" on the inside of her but can't seem to find a good way to do it. She'd like to "swamp" her "insides" , but the only way she can do it is by "slapping"
"Breast fortune telling" is the title of this chapter's epigraph. It's a pun on the Latin phrase "panto," which means "to squeeze" or "squish." It also refers to the way in which a woman's nipples squeeze against her chest. In other words, it's the way a woman squeezes her nipple against her breast. In this chapter, we're introduced to a woman named Karin, who's in the middle of a "breast fortune telling." She's about to have sex with a guy named Shmooper, but she's not having any of the sexy stuff, so she doesn't want to get in trouble. She wants to get a little more "bang" on her butt before she can "cum." She wants a little "slap" on the inside of her but can't seem to find a good way to do it. She'd like to "swamp" her "insides" , but the only way she can do it is by "slapping"