Girls’ University Club Sex Training ー I’m Made to Cum Again and Again During the Training Camp • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-4406575
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
During the university sex training camp, a girl named nami tells the other girls that she's going to go on a "break" from the club. She's just finished her "paper work" and wants to "enjoy" her college life. The other girls are all, "What a waste" , but nami insists that she has been dancing since she was a little girl, and that she doesn't need to join a club to have a good time. She just wants to have fun. Ooh, what about the promise she made to herself that if she got to college, she'd "be a pro" ? Well, nope, she just went to school to get a "bright" future, so she'll just hang out with her friends and do whatever she likes. Aww, that's kind of like saying, "Hey, I'm going to have sex with you today" . But nah, we're not going to do that. We're just going to hang out and have sex for a little bit. The girls have sex and suck it up for a bit, and then nami says, "I'm so glad you're having sex with me, because I want you to know that I've got a crush on you." Aww. That's pretty much the end of the scene.
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Girls’ University Club Sex Training ー I’m Made to Cum Again and Again During the Training Camp • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-4406575
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
During the university sex training camp, a girl named nami tells the other girls that she's going to go on a "break" from the club. She's just finished her "paper work" and wants to "enjoy" her college life. The other girls are all, "What a waste" , but nami insists that she has been dancing since she was a little girl, and that she doesn't need to join a club to have a good time. She just wants to have fun. Ooh, what about the promise she made to herself that if she got to college, she'd "be a pro" ? Well, nope, she just went to school to get a "bright" future, so she'll just hang out with her friends and do whatever she likes. Aww, that's kind of like saying, "Hey, I'm going to have sex with you today" . But nah, we're not going to do that. We're just going to hang out and have sex for a little bit. The girls have sex and suck it up for a bit, and then nami says, "I'm so glad you're having sex with me, because I want you to know that I've got a crush on you." Aww. That's pretty much the end of the scene.
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