When the dragon wakes up, he's afraid that something big has entered the forest and is trying to take him and his mate to safety. Small meow, small meow, what's going on? Small meow. What's happening? What was that big, powerful beast that just came out of the forest? Oh, and there's a bunch of herbs in the forest that are supposed to help the dragon get stronger. It's not clear what they're supposed to do, but they'll help him get back to health.
When the dragon wakes up, he's afraid that something big has entered the forest and is trying to take him and his mate to safety. Small meow, small meow, what's going on? Small meow. What's happening? What was that big, powerful beast that just came out of the forest? Oh, and there's a bunch of herbs in the forest that are supposed to help the dragon get stronger. It's not clear what they're supposed to do, but they'll help him get back to health.