The narrator introduces us to a young man named Su Xiao, who is a prospective student at a nearby university. He has just moved in to a rented house and is now transformed into a 5'5" tall little man. He's hungry and cold, and the bugs have transformed into giant monsters. He can't find anyone to help him, so he goes to his landlord's house. The landlord is still there, but he's too scared to help. Su tells the landlord that he and his friend are both in the same house. He says that he grew up in the suburbs, and that the house was not so bad before he moved in. He explains that he already knows how to survive in the house, and he doesn't believe his friend can. The two of them discuss how they're going to survive without food, water, or shelter.
The narrator introduces us to a young man named Su Xiao, who is a prospective student at a nearby university. He has just moved in to a rented house and is now transformed into a 5'5" tall little man. He's hungry and cold, and the bugs have transformed into giant monsters. He can't find anyone to help him, so he goes to his landlord's house. The landlord is still there, but he's too scared to help. Su tells the landlord that he and his friend are both in the same house. He says that he grew up in the suburbs, and that the house was not so bad before he moved in. He explains that he already knows how to survive in the house, and he doesn't believe his friend can. The two of them discuss how they're going to survive without food, water, or shelter.