The scene opens on the set of a movie, where a young actor, named Yian, is being reprimanded by his supervisor for making a crude remark about the young man's resemblance to a "little brother." Yian apologizes for his rudeness, and the two exchange pleasantries. Yian tells the young actor that the next day's shooting is from noon to 2 p.m., and that if he's having a rough time, he can tell him to "drop actor yian" and "don't press yourself too much." The young actor says he'll leave the scene, and Yian asks him why he looks at him like that. The young man says that the actor he works for is "carried like a princess," and that he doesn't believe that the younger man touches a member of the staff "much younger than him." He says that after working with him for a while, he now believes that the older man sees him as "snobbly asleep," and so he begins to rub Yian's body with his own. The scene ends with Yian saying that he'd like to try his hand at it.
The scene opens on the set of a movie, where a young actor, named Yian, is being reprimanded by his supervisor for making a crude remark about the young man's resemblance to a "little brother." Yian apologizes for his rudeness, and the two exchange pleasantries. Yian tells the young actor that the next day's shooting is from noon to 2 p.m., and that if he's having a rough time, he can tell him to "drop actor yian" and "don't press yourself too much." The young actor says he'll leave the scene, and Yian asks him why he looks at him like that. The young man says that the actor he works for is "carried like a princess," and that he doesn't believe that the younger man touches a member of the staff "much younger than him." He says that after working with him for a while, he now believes that the older man sees him as "snobbly asleep," and so he begins to rub Yian's body with his own. The scene ends with Yian saying that he'd like to try his hand at it.