In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character, a shy young woman named Yoonju, who is trying to seduce an older man named Ganchoel in a scene set in a brothel. The scene takes place in a dimly lit room, and we are told that the young woman has just met the man in the brothel, and she has put her hand on his neck. The young woman is very nervous about the scene she is about to film, as she has never done a scene like this before. She is also very nervous because she has no idea how to act in front of an audience, and the light of the room makes it difficult for her to control her emotions. She tries to pretend that she is in the room with the man, but she is unable to control herself. She realizes that she has made a mistake, and apologizes for it. She tells the young man that she had made a reservation to see Ganyoel at the brothel that evening, but he has not yet arrived.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character, a shy young woman named Yoonju, who is trying to seduce an older man named Ganchoel in a scene set in a brothel. The scene takes place in a dimly lit room, and we are told that the young woman has just met the man in the brothel, and she has put her hand on his neck. The young woman is very nervous about the scene she is about to film, as she has never done a scene like this before. She is also very nervous because she has no idea how to act in front of an audience, and the light of the room makes it difficult for her to control her emotions. She tries to pretend that she is in the room with the man, but she is unable to control herself. She realizes that she has made a mistake, and apologizes for it. She tells the young man that she had made a reservation to see Ganyoel at the brothel that evening, but he has not yet arrived.