Warm Coffee

Warm Coffee • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-3854077
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between the Governess and her servant. The Governess tells the servant that she has gone to a number of shops to buy her hair cream, but she cannot find it in a department store on the fourth floor of the train station. The servant tells her that he is going to go for a bath, but his body is craving for it. She tells him to stop, but he says that he has a dream and goes into the department store to buy his hair cream. When she asks him if he is feeling well, he says he is not feeling well at all. He asks if she feels anything towards him, and she says she does. He tells her to stop worrying, because friends do the same thing with friends all the time. He says that since he met her, everything has changed. She says that she fell in love with her servant, and wakes up to find him sleeping with her.
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Warm Coffee

Warm Coffee • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-3854077
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between the Governess and her servant. The Governess tells the servant that she has gone to a number of shops to buy her hair cream, but she cannot find it in a department store on the fourth floor of the train station. The servant tells her that he is going to go for a bath, but his body is craving for it. She tells him to stop, but he says that he has a dream and goes into the department store to buy his hair cream. When she asks him if he is feeling well, he says he is not feeling well at all. He asks if she feels anything towards him, and she says she does. He tells her to stop worrying, because friends do the same thing with friends all the time. He says that since he met her, everything has changed. She says that she fell in love with her servant, and wakes up to find him sleeping with her.
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