In The Cage

In The Cage • After Story • Page ik-page-3878736
After Story
This is a locked chapterAfter Story
About This Chapter
The next morning, Renji calls to say that he has received an invitation to a party at the williams' house. Renji tells the boy that he will have to cancel the party because of the heat, but Renji assures him that it will be fine. The boy thanks Renji for inviting him to the party, and he tells Renji that rumors are flying that Renji is in love with another man. He asks Renji if the rumors are true, and Renji says that they are not. He then asks who the other man is, and the boy says that he is not Renji, but "the one that has been tied up, and captured body, and soul
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In The Cage

In The Cage • After Story • Page ik-page-3878736
After Story
This is a locked chapterAfter Story
About This Chapter
The next morning, Renji calls to say that he has received an invitation to a party at the williams' house. Renji tells the boy that he will have to cancel the party because of the heat, but Renji assures him that it will be fine. The boy thanks Renji for inviting him to the party, and he tells Renji that rumors are flying that Renji is in love with another man. He asks Renji if the rumors are true, and Renji says that they are not. He then asks who the other man is, and the boy says that he is not Renji, but "the one that has been tied up, and captured body, and soul
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