In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-3878521
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a conversation between Renji and his younger brother, Eiji. Renji tells Eiji that his older brother, the eldest son, has passed away. Eiji tells Renji that he has not had time to talk to him lately because he is busy studying for exams. He asks Renji if he is in the pro-cess of over, and Renji says that he is. He tells him that he will call him tonight, and that they must never be admired by other people. He says that the two of them look like they are from superior families, so there should not be a problem, but he does not know what is wrong. When Renji calls him, he apologizes for the lateness of his call, but Renji assures him that Eiji will be fine without him. He promises to take Eiji with him when he becomes an adult.
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In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-3878521
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a conversation between Renji and his younger brother, Eiji. Renji tells Eiji that his older brother, the eldest son, has passed away. Eiji tells Renji that he has not had time to talk to him lately because he is busy studying for exams. He asks Renji if he is in the pro-cess of over, and Renji says that he is. He tells him that he will call him tonight, and that they must never be admired by other people. He says that the two of them look like they are from superior families, so there should not be a problem, but he does not know what is wrong. When Renji calls him, he apologizes for the lateness of his call, but Renji assures him that Eiji will be fine without him. He promises to take Eiji with him when he becomes an adult.
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