In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-3878649
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's been living alone for a long time, and that he doesn't like the food that other people cook for him. He wants to be free, not worry about his parents, and he wants to do whatever he wants with his life. He's happy to be born an alpha, which means that he can bond with other alphas, like haru. He says that if they were to be bonded, there would be less risk for someone else to take him, because they'd be able to communicate more easily. He also says that haru is an omega, so he can leave after he takes a look at him. The narrator says that he heard haru at school, but that he was noisy with all of the rumors, as well. He adds that both of them should have just thrown away their omegas from the beginning, when they were just shameful lowlifes. He tells the narrator that if he were to get touched by someone else, he'd still never throw away his omega, even if he was a petty alpha.
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In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-3878649
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's been living alone for a long time, and that he doesn't like the food that other people cook for him. He wants to be free, not worry about his parents, and he wants to do whatever he wants with his life. He's happy to be born an alpha, which means that he can bond with other alphas, like haru. He says that if they were to be bonded, there would be less risk for someone else to take him, because they'd be able to communicate more easily. He also says that haru is an omega, so he can leave after he takes a look at him. The narrator says that he heard haru at school, but that he was noisy with all of the rumors, as well. He adds that both of them should have just thrown away their omegas from the beginning, when they were just shameful lowlifes. He tells the narrator that if he were to get touched by someone else, he'd still never throw away his omega, even if he was a petty alpha.
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