In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-3878611
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
When Renji returns from his trip to Europe, he finds himself alone with Yuzuki. He tells Yuzuki that he is sorry for the trouble that he has caused him, and that he wishes that he could have been nicer to him. Yuzuki tells Renji that he does not like the way that he treats his brother, and Renji tells him that it is not shameful for him to treat his brother this way. Renji asks Yuzuki if he would like anything, and Yuzuki says that he would be happy to give him anything. He asks Renji if he is sure that his collar is off, and when Renji says it is, Yuzuki asks him if it is because he is Renji's secretary. He says that it was Eto who helped him find him the other day, and he wants Renji to come to him in his own accord
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In The Cage

In The Cage • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-3878611
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
When Renji returns from his trip to Europe, he finds himself alone with Yuzuki. He tells Yuzuki that he is sorry for the trouble that he has caused him, and that he wishes that he could have been nicer to him. Yuzuki tells Renji that he does not like the way that he treats his brother, and Renji tells him that it is not shameful for him to treat his brother this way. Renji asks Yuzuki if he would like anything, and Yuzuki says that he would be happy to give him anything. He asks Renji if he is sure that his collar is off, and when Renji says it is, Yuzuki asks him if it is because he is Renji's secretary. He says that it was Eto who helped him find him the other day, and he wants Renji to come to him in his own accord
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