The young master thanks the old master for his kind words. The old man tells him that the young master needs to bring the others back so that they can deal with the old man. He says that the three-eyed demon will help them when the time is right, but he still has to be careful because the demon is still a cub. He also says that he got found out that the little devil still has his powers. He tells the elder man that he can take the poison dragon fruit and use it to improve his cultivation. The elder man says that there are several experts scattered in the inn and the building. He will use his body to set the woman free. He wants to protect her, but she is so shameless that he did not expect her to come find him. He promises to kill her if she does not die.
The young master thanks the old master for his kind words. The old man tells him that the young master needs to bring the others back so that they can deal with the old man. He says that the three-eyed demon will help them when the time is right, but he still has to be careful because the demon is still a cub. He also says that he got found out that the little devil still has his powers. He tells the elder man that he can take the poison dragon fruit and use it to improve his cultivation. The elder man says that there are several experts scattered in the inn and the building. He will use his body to set the woman free. He wants to protect her, but she is so shameless that he did not expect her to come find him. He promises to kill her if she does not die.