The narrator is introduced to a new character, a girl named Heekawa, who is a model for a company called "Amazin" . The narrator asks the girl to wait for him in the waiting room until he is ready to leave. The girl tells him that he is welcome to enter the company's main office as long as he does his best. He says that he cannot change the rules of the company, but he can't leave the company by himself. He tells the girl that he will wait for her in the room until she comes out, and then he will go to her. He asks her if she has a sample princess outfit, and she says that it is one of the snow powder dolls that were made in the aftermath of the war. She says that the dolls were made from ashes from the war and that they were first tailors' stores. He then asks her to wait in the elevator until he calls her number, and the girl mumbles that she is from shine productions, the company that makes the dolls. The elevator is full of fruits and water, and he asks to be let in. He feels like he has seen someone in an ad for the company in a magazine, and that he has a feeling that he was sent to a house where he would not be welcome. He wants to go in order to see her, but the girl is too perfect a human to allow him to do so.
The narrator is introduced to a new character, a girl named Heekawa, who is a model for a company called "Amazin" . The narrator asks the girl to wait for him in the waiting room until he is ready to leave. The girl tells him that he is welcome to enter the company's main office as long as he does his best. He says that he cannot change the rules of the company, but he can't leave the company by himself. He tells the girl that he will wait for her in the room until she comes out, and then he will go to her. He asks her if she has a sample princess outfit, and she says that it is one of the snow powder dolls that were made in the aftermath of the war. She says that the dolls were made from ashes from the war and that they were first tailors' stores. He then asks her to wait in the elevator until he calls her number, and the girl mumbles that she is from shine productions, the company that makes the dolls. The elevator is full of fruits and water, and he asks to be let in. He feels like he has seen someone in an ad for the company in a magazine, and that he has a feeling that he was sent to a house where he would not be welcome. He wants to go in order to see her, but the girl is too perfect a human to allow him to do so.