Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407923
Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407901
Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407902
Chapter 82
This is a locked chapterChapter 82
About This Chapter
The next morning, Fu Bing asks his son-in-law if he thinks he's being too kind to him. Fu Bing tells him that his uncle has been trying to be nice to his daughter, but that he doesn't want anything to get ugly between the two of them. He says he won't allow anyone to touch her, and that he'll protect her from anyone who tries to harm her. He also says that he can't blame Lu Ling for what happened, because he is a member of the Lu family now, and he has the power to uphold the family. .
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Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407923
Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407901
Did You Reject Mr. Lu Today • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-4407902
Chapter 82
This is a locked chapterChapter 82
About This Chapter
The next morning, Fu Bing asks his son-in-law if he thinks he's being too kind to him. Fu Bing tells him that his uncle has been trying to be nice to his daughter, but that he doesn't want anything to get ugly between the two of them. He says he won't allow anyone to touch her, and that he'll protect her from anyone who tries to harm her. He also says that he can't blame Lu Ling for what happened, because he is a member of the Lu family now, and he has the power to uphold the family. .
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