The story opens with a description of a group of young people who have just returned from a trip to Greece. The group consists of a girl named Sarah, a boy named John, and a man named Brent. The girls are on their way to a Greek archaeological museum when they run into the boy, who introduces himself as "Brent" . The boy explains that he has been studying Greek history all summer long, and that he and his friend have found an uncharted reef and a sunken galley. The boys plan to report this discovery to the Greek government, but the professor at the museum says that it is a private matter.
The story opens with a description of a group of young people who have just returned from a trip to Greece. The group consists of a girl named Sarah, a boy named John, and a man named Brent. The girls are on their way to a Greek archaeological museum when they run into the boy, who introduces himself as "Brent" . The boy explains that he has been studying Greek history all summer long, and that he and his friend have found an uncharted reef and a sunken galley. The boys plan to report this discovery to the Greek government, but the professor at the museum says that it is a private matter.