The narrator begins by asking what the greatest misfortune is in this world. He asks if the girl would like to have some money. The girl replies that she would, of course, if she could have it. The narrator then asks the girl if she wants to take a picture of herself under her skirt. She says that she doesn't want to go to bed without him. She tells the girl that her mother looks so pretty that she can't imagine what her life would be like if she didn't have her mother's love. She then asks if she can go for a walk in the bath room. He says that he hasn't been able to rustle up dinner for her because he has been taking care of her since she came to school. She asks him if he can go to the bathtub. He tells her that he has to go because he is afraid of flying. He also says that all he has saved up for his class trip is 13,000 yen. The teacher is afraid that he will have to leave the school. He then asks her if she is listening to him, and she tells him that she is. She goes on to say that she wishes she could be an adult and that she wants a part-time job. She also tells the teacher that the company is hiring no students from the zaman to the nobunari to work for them. They eat the food sitting like this. She thinks that it must be a very happy life in the big palace. She wants to stop him, but the teacher says that it is okay. She adds that she really needs 500,000 yen by the next day if she goes to work.