On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376940
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376941
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376942
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376943
Season 1 Chapter 70
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 70
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between a soldier and another soldier. The soldier tells the soldier that he has been looking for the soldier for a long time. He asks the soldier to follow him to his post. When the soldier tells him that he is going to take care of his squad member, the soldier says that he will not do anything to interfere with the soldier's duty. He then asks if the soldier is sexually frustrated, and the soldier replies that it has been more than a month since they last spoke, and he is sorry that he was late. He says that the soldier has changed since he got involved with the "wicked woman" . He blames himself for the change in his behavior, saying that he and the woman risked their lives in battle together, and that he cannot tolerate any insults about the woman. He also says that she was once a spy for the reptile and the mammalia, but that she has always been the enemy of the company. He calls her a "dirty monster" and says that his compatriots have died in her hands
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On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376940
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376941
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376942
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-4376943
Season 1 Chapter 70
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 70
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between a soldier and another soldier. The soldier tells the soldier that he has been looking for the soldier for a long time. He asks the soldier to follow him to his post. When the soldier tells him that he is going to take care of his squad member, the soldier says that he will not do anything to interfere with the soldier's duty. He then asks if the soldier is sexually frustrated, and the soldier replies that it has been more than a month since they last spoke, and he is sorry that he was late. He says that the soldier has changed since he got involved with the "wicked woman" . He blames himself for the change in his behavior, saying that he and the woman risked their lives in battle together, and that he cannot tolerate any insults about the woman. He also says that she was once a spy for the reptile and the mammalia, but that she has always been the enemy of the company. He calls her a "dirty monster" and says that his compatriots have died in her hands
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