On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360313
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360314
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360315
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360316
Season 1 Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 47
About This Chapter
It's been raining all day, and the narrator can't stop thinking about the war. He's tired of being put in harm's way by the "old farts" at the army headquarters. He wants to know what's going on with the war, and he wants to figure out a way to help the wounded soldiers. He also wants to find out what the "cunning b*tch" is up to. He doesn't know how to explain to the dog why she's being sent back into the enemy's camp. The narrator is so angry that he starts to freak out. He starts to think about the dog's heroic story, and how the dog would have been able to get out if he had just broken her legs. He thinks about how many times the dog has been injured and how many doctors' notes have been written about her, but the dog is just an "ignorant little girl" . He wonders why he's so angry at the guy who's supposed to be taking care of her. The rain is still coming, and it's not going to stop any time soon. He tells the dog that if the rain stops, the dog will ignore him and come back to the front. The dog is so upset that he won't even go to the guy anymore if he tells him not to go. This time, he says, he'll tell the dog not to come back, and she'll ignore him. This is the second time the dog and the dog have been injured in the same way,
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On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360313
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360314
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360315
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3360316
Season 1 Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 47
About This Chapter
It's been raining all day, and the narrator can't stop thinking about the war. He's tired of being put in harm's way by the "old farts" at the army headquarters. He wants to know what's going on with the war, and he wants to figure out a way to help the wounded soldiers. He also wants to find out what the "cunning b*tch" is up to. He doesn't know how to explain to the dog why she's being sent back into the enemy's camp. The narrator is so angry that he starts to freak out. He starts to think about the dog's heroic story, and how the dog would have been able to get out if he had just broken her legs. He thinks about how many times the dog has been injured and how many doctors' notes have been written about her, but the dog is just an "ignorant little girl" . He wonders why he's so angry at the guy who's supposed to be taking care of her. The rain is still coming, and it's not going to stop any time soon. He tells the dog that if the rain stops, the dog will ignore him and come back to the front. The dog is so upset that he won't even go to the guy anymore if he tells him not to go. This time, he says, he'll tell the dog not to come back, and she'll ignore him. This is the second time the dog and the dog have been injured in the same way,
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