On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558260
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558261
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558262
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558263
Season 1 Chapter 61
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 61
About This Chapter
It's been a long time, and now the dog is finally able to see. He's angry at her for not being quiet when he promised she wouldn't. She's also angry at him for treating her like a child. She says she almost died when she was in front of him, and that's not even the first time she's tried to save him. He says he's the superior dog, and treats him like a kid. He asks her if she likes seeing him make desperate efforts, and she says she did back then. He tells her that both of them would have died if the rescue team hadn't arrived on time. He also says that if the dog had not come to his rescue, everything would have been in vain, because he and she both knew that it was because they were lucky. The dog asks if she should immediately call someone to check on her gunshot wound, and he says it throbs, but it's just because of the dog's "damn scent" . He doesn't want anyone to come close to his room, so he tells her to "drop that time" , and the dog whispers in his ear, "truncheon pant pant pant." He says that he has never properly defined his relationship with the woman, until that moment.
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On a Leash [Mature]

On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558260
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558261
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558262
On a Leash [Mature] • Season 1 Chapter 61 • Page ik-page-3558263
Season 1 Chapter 61
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 61
About This Chapter
It's been a long time, and now the dog is finally able to see. He's angry at her for not being quiet when he promised she wouldn't. She's also angry at him for treating her like a child. She says she almost died when she was in front of him, and that's not even the first time she's tried to save him. He says he's the superior dog, and treats him like a kid. He asks her if she likes seeing him make desperate efforts, and she says she did back then. He tells her that both of them would have died if the rescue team hadn't arrived on time. He also says that if the dog had not come to his rescue, everything would have been in vain, because he and she both knew that it was because they were lucky. The dog asks if she should immediately call someone to check on her gunshot wound, and he says it throbs, but it's just because of the dog's "damn scent" . He doesn't want anyone to come close to his room, so he tells her to "drop that time" , and the dog whispers in his ear, "truncheon pant pant pant." He says that he has never properly defined his relationship with the woman, until that moment.
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