In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Liao Longyu" , who is a member of a group of young men known as "The Three Girls." The three girls are "lily," "ji cheng," and "su yin," and they are all in love with one another. The three of them discuss their love lives, and one of them asks the other two if they are still in love. The other two, "du yin" and "wu yin," reply that they are not yet in love, but that they will soon be.
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Liao Longyu" , who is a member of a group of young men known as "The Three Girls." The three girls are "lily," "ji cheng," and "su yin," and they are all in love with one another. The three of them discuss their love lives, and one of them asks the other two if they are still in love. The other two, "du yin" and "wu yin," reply that they are not yet in love, but that they will soon be.