Will You Marry Me? • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2483617
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
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The next day, Hiroshi asks if he's been working. Hiroshi says he hasn't been working because of his proposal to Sasaki. He asks if Hiroshi has seen the Hiroshi's child, and Hiroshi replies that he has. He also asks if the father of the child is alive. He says he wants to speak with Hiroshi, but he needs to talk to Hiroshi first. He tells Hiroshi not to worry about the father until he has talked to him about everything, and then he'll worry about Hiroshi. He's too scared to go to sleep, he says, and he asks Hiroshi to drop him off at the consul's place. He wants to know if the consul knows about the relationship between Hiroshi and Sasaki, but Hiroshi doesn't know. The consul says he saw the two of them walking together, and that the only thing the father knows is that Hiroshi told him that he was involved with someone important to him. Hirohito says that Shuji is only supporting Hiroshi in good faith, and the only reason he knows is because Hiroshi called the man by his first name. The only reason Hiroshi didn't tell Hiroshi is because he thought it had nothing to do with him. He then asks if she still loves the man, and she says she does, but that she's leaving because she violated her code of conduct.
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Will You Marry Me? • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2483617
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The next day, Hiroshi asks if he's been working. Hiroshi says he hasn't been working because of his proposal to Sasaki. He asks if Hiroshi has seen the Hiroshi's child, and Hiroshi replies that he has. He also asks if the father of the child is alive. He says he wants to speak with Hiroshi, but he needs to talk to Hiroshi first. He tells Hiroshi not to worry about the father until he has talked to him about everything, and then he'll worry about Hiroshi. He's too scared to go to sleep, he says, and he asks Hiroshi to drop him off at the consul's place. He wants to know if the consul knows about the relationship between Hiroshi and Sasaki, but Hiroshi doesn't know. The consul says he saw the two of them walking together, and that the only thing the father knows is that Hiroshi told him that he was involved with someone important to him. Hirohito says that Shuji is only supporting Hiroshi in good faith, and the only reason he knows is because Hiroshi called the man by his first name. The only reason Hiroshi didn't tell Hiroshi is because he thought it had nothing to do with him. He then asks if she still loves the man, and she says she does, but that she's leaving because she violated her code of conduct.
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