Will You Marry Me? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2483587
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The narrator tells Shuji that he fell in love with him at first sight. He tells him that his face is red and that he is feeling unwell. He asks Shuji to bring him to his room, where there is only room for him. Shuji says that he will be fine if Shuji does not come back. The narrator says that if they have sex now, he will definitely get pregnant. He says that they will never see one another again if they do not have sex. He adds that he has to leave before Shuji wakes up. He explains that he put Shuji in charge of Hiromi because he thought that he could get over his former lover. He also says that Shuji must have been drunk because he forgot to tell Hiromi that he owed him money.
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Will You Marry Me? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2483587
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The narrator tells Shuji that he fell in love with him at first sight. He tells him that his face is red and that he is feeling unwell. He asks Shuji to bring him to his room, where there is only room for him. Shuji says that he will be fine if Shuji does not come back. The narrator says that if they have sex now, he will definitely get pregnant. He says that they will never see one another again if they do not have sex. He adds that he has to leave before Shuji wakes up. He explains that he put Shuji in charge of Hiromi because he thought that he could get over his former lover. He also says that Shuji must have been drunk because he forgot to tell Hiromi that he owed him money.
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