The Zombie and the Vampire

The Zombie and the Vampire • Chapter 13: Coffin • Page ik-page-2069796
Chapter 13: Coffin
This is a locked chapterChapter 13: Coffin
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a number of characters who have been introduced in previous scenes. The first person introduced is a young prince named Nemo, who has just died. Nemo's body lies under a nearby mountain range
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The Zombie and the Vampire

The Zombie and the Vampire • Chapter 13: Coffin • Page ik-page-2069796
Chapter 13: Coffin
This is a locked chapterChapter 13: Coffin
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a number of characters who have been introduced in previous scenes. The first person introduced is a young prince named Nemo, who has just died. Nemo's body lies under a nearby mountain range
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