
Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939163
Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939167
Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939125
Chapter 1: As Above / So Below
This is a locked chapterChapter 1: As Above / So Below
About This Chapter
In the prison's administration room, the master of locks tells the guards that the last guard station has been surrendered on demand. He tells them that he's saving it for someone special. He asks the guards to unlock the elevator so that he can kill her. The guards are shocked to learn that the prisoners have entered the prison and turned off the command post. They're also shocked to hear that the guns on the guards' mags are still working. The master tells the cadets that they'll never be able to escape the prison. He wants to know if the prisoners are contained or if they're on their way out. He's also worried about the prisoners' safety. He wonders if there's a way to get out of the prison without killing the prisoners. He swears that the guards have been ducking him for days. The cadets are horrified to hear this news. They don't know what to do. They want to kill the prisoners, but they can't do it without killing surka, who's on the other side of the cage. The captain asks the cadets what they want, and they tell him that they want to escape. They also tell the captain that he should give the prisoners a sample of his lungs to see if it's good enough for them. He says he'll give the samples to the general, who will give them to Klinzu, the commander of the station. He then asks the captain if he loves imperium, and the cadet says he does. The drill platform soon became a colony, and everyone calls it "tt trouble is christmas" . The baxnans had to step in and take over the colony. They fought well, but the prisoners will never leave.
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Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939163
Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939167
Tartarus • Chapter 1: As Above / So Below • Page ik-page-939125
Chapter 1: As Above / So Below
This is a locked chapterChapter 1: As Above / So Below
About This Chapter
In the prison's administration room, the master of locks tells the guards that the last guard station has been surrendered on demand. He tells them that he's saving it for someone special. He asks the guards to unlock the elevator so that he can kill her. The guards are shocked to learn that the prisoners have entered the prison and turned off the command post. They're also shocked to hear that the guns on the guards' mags are still working. The master tells the cadets that they'll never be able to escape the prison. He wants to know if the prisoners are contained or if they're on their way out. He's also worried about the prisoners' safety. He wonders if there's a way to get out of the prison without killing the prisoners. He swears that the guards have been ducking him for days. The cadets are horrified to hear this news. They don't know what to do. They want to kill the prisoners, but they can't do it without killing surka, who's on the other side of the cage. The captain asks the cadets what they want, and they tell him that they want to escape. They also tell the captain that he should give the prisoners a sample of his lungs to see if it's good enough for them. He says he'll give the samples to the general, who will give them to Klinzu, the commander of the station. He then asks the captain if he loves imperium, and the cadet says he does. The drill platform soon became a colony, and everyone calls it "tt trouble is christmas" . The baxnans had to step in and take over the colony. They fought well, but the prisoners will never leave.
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