One-Hit Wonder • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-915874
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"One Hit Wonder One - Hit wonder Two" is the title of a new short film by Ariel Olivetti. It's about a star in the sky and stars all around it. In this short film, we learn that there are 100 million stars in the Milky Way and that one of them is "one hit wonder One - hit wonder Two." We learn that the star in question is "star all enemies" . We also learn that "star wars" is a movie about a guy named Richie who sells ice cream at a party. Richie tells us that he's tired of the "clowna" in North Korea who would "be dead" if he had to help him. He also says that his cat is "very young and scared" , and that he made "pizza for dinner" for the party. He says that the party was "definitely an offer he couldn't refuse." He adds that the pizza was "an r - movie" and that it was about "violence and drugs." Richie says that he and his co-conspirators are ready to "shine" in the "city of angels" because they've been "practicing for the past four years . . ever felt better about being the writer, producer, director of my life ." He says he chose to embrace the "new reality" and not live in the past or the future . "I'm fuckin' dark side big-time and yes !" he says. He goes on to say that he knows that he has to drop by to see Angelo at noon. He tells Angelo to go to college and learn criminology instead of killing himself. Angelo tells him that he crushed his "most valuable man," and Angelo says he still thinks he doesn't have the skills to take down the "mafia." Angelo tells Angelo that he will miss him while he is on his mission, and Angelo agrees that he still has "the ropes." Angelo says that Angelo deserves a second chance.
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One-Hit Wonder • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-915874
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"One Hit Wonder One - Hit wonder Two" is the title of a new short film by Ariel Olivetti. It's about a star in the sky and stars all around it. In this short film, we learn that there are 100 million stars in the Milky Way and that one of them is "one hit wonder One - hit wonder Two." We learn that the star in question is "star all enemies" . We also learn that "star wars" is a movie about a guy named Richie who sells ice cream at a party. Richie tells us that he's tired of the "clowna" in North Korea who would "be dead" if he had to help him. He also says that his cat is "very young and scared" , and that he made "pizza for dinner" for the party. He says that the party was "definitely an offer he couldn't refuse." He adds that the pizza was "an r - movie" and that it was about "violence and drugs." Richie says that he and his co-conspirators are ready to "shine" in the "city of angels" because they've been "practicing for the past four years . . ever felt better about being the writer, producer, director of my life ." He says he chose to embrace the "new reality" and not live in the past or the future . "I'm fuckin' dark side big-time and yes !" he says. He goes on to say that he knows that he has to drop by to see Angelo at noon. He tells Angelo to go to college and learn criminology instead of killing himself. Angelo tells him that he crushed his "most valuable man," and Angelo says he still thinks he doesn't have the skills to take down the "mafia." Angelo tells Angelo that he will miss him while he is on his mission, and Angelo agrees that he still has "the ropes." Angelo says that Angelo deserves a second chance.
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