Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-1295046
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
Mina announces that they're going to try to find the family that's been looking for him. She tells him that he can stay there as long as he wants. Mina tells him to relax, and that she'll meet him in the morning. Mina says that she hopes he had a good time on his first private jet. She says that the count hasn't been waiting for him in person since the day he was born. Mina introduces herself as the count's wife, and she says that her name was "vesta de orta" . She's Italian, and her grandfather was a big fan of hers.
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Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-1295046
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
Mina announces that they're going to try to find the family that's been looking for him. She tells him that he can stay there as long as he wants. Mina tells him to relax, and that she'll meet him in the morning. Mina says that she hopes he had a good time on his first private jet. She says that the count hasn't been waiting for him in person since the day he was born. Mina introduces herself as the count's wife, and she says that her name was "vesta de orta" . She's Italian, and her grandfather was a big fan of hers.
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