Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1131565
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
Camilo thanks his father for teaching him so much about the world, but he's not ready for it. He's looking for his family, and he wants to meet his father in different circumstances. Camilo tells us that his name is Camilo, and that he has been working for the family in London for 50 years. He says that he came from Italy to pay his respects to his father, who left Italy thirty years ago. He adds that he hasn't seen his father since he left Italy. He thanks pizanu, who introduced him to the show, for introducing him to "such a fascinating person" as Miss de Ortega. He asks if he can see her face, and she says that it would be dangerous for her to do so. She says that she was born in the Phillippines, but no one knows where she came from. He offers to help her find her family.
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Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1131565
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
Camilo thanks his father for teaching him so much about the world, but he's not ready for it. He's looking for his family, and he wants to meet his father in different circumstances. Camilo tells us that his name is Camilo, and that he has been working for the family in London for 50 years. He says that he came from Italy to pay his respects to his father, who left Italy thirty years ago. He adds that he hasn't seen his father since he left Italy. He thanks pizanu, who introduced him to the show, for introducing him to "such a fascinating person" as Miss de Ortega. He asks if he can see her face, and she says that it would be dangerous for her to do so. She says that she was born in the Phillippines, but no one knows where she came from. He offers to help her find her family.
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