Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-977467
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
Mina is back in San Francisco, and she's so excited to see her that she begs her dog not to scare her. Mina tells her that the dog just likes to play with her, and that she doesn't need help with anything. She has a granola bar with her in her purse, and Mina says she'll give it to her if she needs it. She tells Mina that she probably shouldn't have taken the helmet off, because it's not fashionable for a teenager to wear it. Mina says that she'd be much happier if she took the helmet back off, and then she tells her to take the granola bar back with her.
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Lady Bird

Lady Bird • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-977467
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
Mina is back in San Francisco, and she's so excited to see her that she begs her dog not to scare her. Mina tells her that the dog just likes to play with her, and that she doesn't need help with anything. She has a granola bar with her in her purse, and Mina says she'll give it to her if she needs it. She tells Mina that she probably shouldn't have taken the helmet off, because it's not fashionable for a teenager to wear it. Mina says that she'd be much happier if she took the helmet back off, and then she tells her to take the granola bar back with her.
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