The director and the stewardess land on a safety net and hug tightly. The meteor shower is about to end, and the last scene is not yet filmed. The director asks xiaoran if he's okay, and he tells him that there's no danger in the background. The stewardess asks if yun is trying to get her necklace in the shot, and she says that she is. They zoom in on the camera, and they can still make the scene! The director tells the stewardess that the shot is perfect, and that they need to edit it to make sure it's perfect. They pass in one go, and this time, they're able to go straight to the next shot. This time, the director is blushing. He tells her that she's blushing because she remembers the way she hugged the director, not because of his own safety, but because of her own safety. She tells the director that she wants to change her clothes, but she can't figure out why she suddenly blushes. She says that the reason is that she suddenly remembers how the director held her tightly, not even thinking about her safety, which is hard to fake. The president tells the company to investigate the accident, but the stewardess insists that she deserves an explanation.