In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kongkk, who has just returned from a visit with his friend, Yoojun. He tells his friend that he is on a week's leave from work, and that he would like to spend some time with him. He asks if they can meet this week, since he is busy with his assignment, but the young man tells him that he will be home on Wednesday, so they should meet that day. The young man asks if he is in his way, and the young friend says that he must have invited him as well. He then asks what is wrong, and when he is told that it is nothing, he cries out, "It's nothing, i-it-nothing. come on, please. look at me, are you okay. i am fine. kongkk asks if yoojun can tell him what is going on, and if it is something he cannot say, then he kisses her when she cries.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kongkk, who has just returned from a visit with his friend, Yoojun. He tells his friend that he is on a week's leave from work, and that he would like to spend some time with him. He asks if they can meet this week, since he is busy with his assignment, but the young man tells him that he will be home on Wednesday, so they should meet that day. The young man asks if he is in his way, and the young friend says that he must have invited him as well. He then asks what is wrong, and when he is told that it is nothing, he cries out, "It's nothing, i-it-nothing. come on, please. look at me, are you okay. i am fine. kongkk asks if yoojun can tell him what is going on, and if it is something he cannot say, then he kisses her when she cries.