In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kongkk, who has just returned from a trip with his friend, Yoojun. He asks his friend what is going on, and the young man answers that he is wondering what they are. The young man asks if the two of them are having a dream, and then he asks what they want to do together. The man replies that he would never ask such a direct question, as he would not want to approach him like this either. He then glances at the man who is only wearing his underwear, and asks if he wants to do with him. Kongkk says that if the dream is real, then it is okay for him to
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kongkk, who has just returned from a trip with his friend, Yoojun. He asks his friend what is going on, and the young man answers that he is wondering what they are. The young man asks if the two of them are having a dream, and then he asks what they want to do together. The man replies that he would never ask such a direct question, as he would not want to approach him like this either. He then glances at the man who is only wearing his underwear, and asks if he wants to do with him. Kongkk says that if the dream is real, then it is okay for him to