"I'm a nigga, a thug, and a trigga, and I'm the realest of them all" . This is one of the most famous lines in all of rap music. It's all about the fact that you can't really be a real person unless you're a "thug nigga" and a "truncheon nigga." This is the first time we've heard this line before, so we're not sure what to make of it. But it's pretty clear that this is a reference to the lyrics of the song "I Wanna Be Your Lover," which is about a guy who's got a crush on a woman. The song is also about a woman who is in love with a guy, and the guy in question is a guy named "break." The guy in the song is named "juanita" , and he's the one who broke the news to "broke" that he was going to be a part of a "video shoot" for a "hottest mc" out there right now. "Hey dude," says "break," "hey dude," and "dude," and so on. "Yo dude, good job, brotha," says the guy who broke "broke," and he asks "dude" if he can go see "broke." The dude says "no," and the two of them head off to the "large internet cafe" where "rap cats" are hanging out. "Oh yeah," says brotha, "you mean to say that the rap cats caught you and kicked you ass ?" . "Dude," says break, "I don
"I'm a nigga, a thug, and a trigga, and I'm the realest of them all" . This is one of the most famous lines in all of rap music. It's all about the fact that you can't really be a real person unless you're a "thug nigga" and a "truncheon nigga." This is the first time we've heard this line before, so we're not sure what to make of it. But it's pretty clear that this is a reference to the lyrics of the song "I Wanna Be Your Lover," which is about a guy who's got a crush on a woman. The song is also about a woman who is in love with a guy, and the guy in question is a guy named "break." The guy in the song is named "juanita" , and he's the one who broke the news to "broke" that he was going to be a part of a "video shoot" for a "hottest mc" out there right now. "Hey dude," says "break," "hey dude," and "dude," and so on. "Yo dude, good job, brotha," says the guy who broke "broke," and he asks "dude" if he can go see "broke." The dude says "no," and the two of them head off to the "large internet cafe" where "rap cats" are hanging out. "Oh yeah," says brotha, "you mean to say that the rap cats caught you and kicked you ass ?" . "Dude," says break, "I don