In this short story, Mizue introduces us to a young woman named Akari, who has just returned from a trip to Europe with her husband. They are on their way to celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary when Mizueb interrupts them to tell them that it has been a month since their wedding. Akari is thrilled to be back at home, but Mizueil reminds her that their wedding anniversary has not yet passed. She asks him to promise that they will not leave the house for the month of celebration, but he refuses, saying that it is not yet a month after their wedding
In this short story, Mizue introduces us to a young woman named Akari, who has just returned from a trip to Europe with her husband. They are on their way to celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary when Mizueb interrupts them to tell them that it has been a month since their wedding. Akari is thrilled to be back at home, but Mizueil reminds her that their wedding anniversary has not yet passed. She asks him to promise that they will not leave the house for the month of celebration, but he refuses, saying that it is not yet a month after their wedding