The scene opens in a hotel restaurant, where a young man named Togo has come to apologize for his behavior in the past. The young man, however, is not a normal person, and Togo does not seem to understand why the young man is so upset. Togo tells him that they are in a private dining room, and that he is free to serve himself or ask to be served by the waiter. He then tells the man that he has brought his next plate, which is a crepe, and the man is surprised to find that the crepe is very sweet. To go on, Togo says that the sweet is on another level than the regular crepe and that they would make a great meal together. To Go says that he came to the restaurant as an apology, but Togo is surprised that he did not realize that he was being made to eat. He says that they did not kiss the last time they were together, and to be continued
The scene opens in a hotel restaurant, where a young man named Togo has come to apologize for his behavior in the past. The young man, however, is not a normal person, and Togo does not seem to understand why the young man is so upset. Togo tells him that they are in a private dining room, and that he is free to serve himself or ask to be served by the waiter. He then tells the man that he has brought his next plate, which is a crepe, and the man is surprised to find that the crepe is very sweet. To go on, Togo says that the sweet is on another level than the regular crepe and that they would make a great meal together. To Go says that he came to the restaurant as an apology, but Togo is surprised that he did not realize that he was being made to eat. He says that they did not kiss the last time they were together, and to be continued