The Swordsman in Black and the Songstress Drown and Scream in the Moonlit Rendezvous • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4822238
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
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In the moonlight, Anna and Towa meet up and Anna tells Towa that she's going to go with her to the next town, where she'll meet up with her lover. Towa says that Anna is going to be killed if they don't get there in time to save her. Anna says that she can't hear the girl's voice, but she can hear Towa's, so she can help her escape. Anna thanks Towa for saving her, saying that she wouldn't be able to see her if she were alone.
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The Swordsman in Black and the Songstress Drown and Scream in the Moonlit Rendezvous • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4822238
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
In the moonlight, Anna and Towa meet up and Anna tells Towa that she's going to go with her to the next town, where she'll meet up with her lover. Towa says that Anna is going to be killed if they don't get there in time to save her. Anna says that she can't hear the girl's voice, but she can hear Towa's, so she can help her escape. Anna thanks Towa for saving her, saying that she wouldn't be able to see her if she were alone.
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