The Swordsman in Black and the Songstress Drown and Scream in the Moonlit Rendezvous • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-4822239
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to Towa's mother, a singer, who was once a village chief's wife. She is now dead, and her son, a swordsman, has been killed by a "sound-eater" , a monster that eats people and eats animals. Towa is horrified by the sight of the sound-eaters, and she begs her son to sing a song to repel them.
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The Swordsman in Black and the Songstress Drown and Scream in the Moonlit Rendezvous • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-4822239
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to Towa's mother, a singer, who was once a village chief's wife. She is now dead, and her son, a swordsman, has been killed by a "sound-eater" , a monster that eats people and eats animals. Towa is horrified by the sight of the sound-eaters, and she begs her son to sing a song to repel them.
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