MPLS Sound

MPLS Sound • MPLS Sound, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4382877
MPLS Sound, Part 4
This is a locked chapterMPLS Sound, Part 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet up with James, the drummer in a local band. He tells us that the local music scene is getting too big for him, and he's bringing in a new singer, Alexander O'neal. He's a big fan of Alexander's, and says that Alexander taught him how to play the piano better than anyone else. Alexander also tells James that he needs to get his timing in line with everyone else in the band, so that they can all play the same song. He also says that he'd like to see more of the "woo-woo" movement in the music scene.
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MPLS Sound

MPLS Sound • MPLS Sound, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4382877
MPLS Sound, Part 4
This is a locked chapterMPLS Sound, Part 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet up with James, the drummer in a local band. He tells us that the local music scene is getting too big for him, and he's bringing in a new singer, Alexander O'neal. He's a big fan of Alexander's, and says that Alexander taught him how to play the piano better than anyone else. Alexander also tells James that he needs to get his timing in line with everyone else in the band, so that they can all play the same song. He also says that he'd like to see more of the "woo-woo" movement in the music scene.
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