In this short scene, we meet a young man named Jeongtae, who works as a teacher in a school in Shanghai. He and his student, Sarah, are hanging out at a pond in the middle of the city, and the two of them are discussing the latest pornography that's been posted on social media. They're surprised to see that the guy they're hanging out with is actually watching it. They don't realize that it's the first time he's ever seen porn, and they wonder if he'll be able to fall in love with someone who's seen it before. They ask Sarah if she's heard of the new porn craze, and she tells them that she has. She's just returned from the military, and was preparing to go back to school when she met Jeungtae at the pond. She tells him that she was told by him to dabble in "multi-level marketing" , and that he promised to return her the money in a week. But now, she says, she doesn't have the money to live with her parents in their sauna . She also tells her friends that she can't live with them, because she has to return the money within a month to get it back.
In this short scene, we meet a young man named Jeongtae, who works as a teacher in a school in Shanghai. He and his student, Sarah, are hanging out at a pond in the middle of the city, and the two of them are discussing the latest pornography that's been posted on social media. They're surprised to see that the guy they're hanging out with is actually watching it. They don't realize that it's the first time he's ever seen porn, and they wonder if he'll be able to fall in love with someone who's seen it before. They ask Sarah if she's heard of the new porn craze, and she tells them that she has. She's just returned from the military, and was preparing to go back to school when she met Jeungtae at the pond. She tells him that she was told by him to dabble in "multi-level marketing" , and that he promised to return her the money in a week. But now, she says, she doesn't have the money to live with her parents in their sauna . She also tells her friends that she can't live with them, because she has to return the money within a month to get it back.