"Stop, wait. Yes, can i see ya for a minute?" she asks. "I have something give you... What... is it?" she says. "Smiley storage rummage rummageshow what... . . what is that?" he asks. She says that she already advised him not to talk to her, just obey her. He says that if his mother finds out about him, it will not only result in his homelessness, but that he has to obey his words. "Grab plop, tremble... smooshed... thwack . reach giggle blush squirm .let's check if you inserted it correctly," he says. He then says that the way he reacts really turns him on. "The way you react turns me on." he says, "the way you respond really makes me turn on." He then asks if she wants to
"Stop, wait. Yes, can i see ya for a minute?" she asks. "I have something give you... What... is it?" she says. "Smiley storage rummage rummageshow what... . . what is that?" he asks. She says that she already advised him not to talk to her, just obey her. He says that if his mother finds out about him, it will not only result in his homelessness, but that he has to obey his words. "Grab plop, tremble... smooshed... thwack . reach giggle blush squirm .let's check if you inserted it correctly," he says. He then says that the way he reacts really turns him on. "The way you react turns me on." he says, "the way you respond really makes me turn on." He then asks if she wants to