Pouring It All in Without Wasting a Single Drop - Satisfying Sex With My Passionate Boss • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4335803
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young man who works for the rich man is trying to impress his boss with his ability to "pour it all in satisfaction with his passionate boss" . He's trying to get his boss to give him a "suck" , but he can't, because he's in the middle of a steamy shower. The young man tries to get the boss to tell him that he just came in, but the boss doesn't want to hear it, so he tells him to "stick it to me" and "stick rub stroke again" and so on and so forth until he finally gets to the point where he has to ask the boss if he'll be coming back for another drink. He asks if the boss is going to come back for more drinks, and the boss says that he will, but only if he can "stick" it to him. This is the first time we've heard of this kind of thing, and we're not sure if it's going to be the last time we hear of it. The narrator tells us that this is just the beginning of a long series of stories about young men and women who have sex with rich men.
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Pouring It All in Without Wasting a Single Drop - Satisfying Sex With My Passionate Boss • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4335803
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young man who works for the rich man is trying to impress his boss with his ability to "pour it all in satisfaction with his passionate boss" . He's trying to get his boss to give him a "suck" , but he can't, because he's in the middle of a steamy shower. The young man tries to get the boss to tell him that he just came in, but the boss doesn't want to hear it, so he tells him to "stick it to me" and "stick rub stroke again" and so on and so forth until he finally gets to the point where he has to ask the boss if he'll be coming back for another drink. He asks if the boss is going to come back for more drinks, and the boss says that he will, but only if he can "stick" it to him. This is the first time we've heard of this kind of thing, and we're not sure if it's going to be the last time we hear of it. The narrator tells us that this is just the beginning of a long series of stories about young men and women who have sex with rich men.
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