No Way, a Molester at a Capsule Hotel!? “You’re the One Who Entered the Wrong Room, Right?” • Chapter 36: End • Page ik-page-4407615
Chapter 36: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 36: End
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we've got a new character. He's called "Poop," and he's the one who snuck into the wrong room at the wrong hotel. Shmoopers, we learn, can't have sex with each other in the office, because they'll get in trouble if anyone finds out about it. So, we guess we're not the only one who's feeling a little creeped out by this new guy. We've also got a guy named "Smoop" who'd like to know what it's like to be "Smoopers" . He tells us that he'd love to be a "smooper" , but he'll have to get used to the idea of being called a "pantser" instead of a "penetrator" because he'm so grossed out by the whole thing. He also says that he doesn't want to be known as a "rapist" because that would make him look like a "mooper." Shmooper is all, "Dude, I'm not a mooper, and I don't plan on ever becoming one. I just want to have sex!" . The pantser, meanwhile, is all "Ugh, I feel like I've gotten a little twitchy here and there, and now I want to suck it up." He'd also like to say something like, "Oops, I forgot to rub your clit!" , which would be like, you know, a big "Oops." Shmopers is totally into this, and he starts to freak out. He starts to feel like he might have fallen for the pantser's "stomach twitch," and then he realizes that his pants are "slippery" and he wants to "cum" on them. Shm
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No Way, a Molester at a Capsule Hotel!? “You’re the One Who Entered the Wrong Room, Right?” • Chapter 36: End • Page ik-page-4407615
Chapter 36: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 36: End
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we've got a new character. He's called "Poop," and he's the one who snuck into the wrong room at the wrong hotel. Shmoopers, we learn, can't have sex with each other in the office, because they'll get in trouble if anyone finds out about it. So, we guess we're not the only one who's feeling a little creeped out by this new guy. We've also got a guy named "Smoop" who'd like to know what it's like to be "Smoopers" . He tells us that he'd love to be a "smooper" , but he'll have to get used to the idea of being called a "pantser" instead of a "penetrator" because he'm so grossed out by the whole thing. He also says that he doesn't want to be known as a "rapist" because that would make him look like a "mooper." Shmooper is all, "Dude, I'm not a mooper, and I don't plan on ever becoming one. I just want to have sex!" . The pantser, meanwhile, is all "Ugh, I feel like I've gotten a little twitchy here and there, and now I want to suck it up." He'd also like to say something like, "Oops, I forgot to rub your clit!" , which would be like, you know, a big "Oops." Shmopers is totally into this, and he starts to freak out. He starts to feel like he might have fallen for the pantser's "stomach twitch," and then he realizes that his pants are "slippery" and he wants to "cum" on them. Shm
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