The scene opens in a hotel room, where a young woman named "Shiina" is trying to seduce a young man named "Sebastian." Sebastian tries to get Sebastian to stop, but Sebastian is adamant that he is not a pervert. The young man, however, is insistent that he be allowed to have sex with the woman. Sebastian, who has been drinking heavily, tries to convince Sebastian that the woman is drunk, but the young man insists that she is not. Sebastian is convinced that the young woman is sucking him, and he tries to comfort him by saying that she will not bite him. Sebastian's attempts to calm him down are interrupted by the sound of a woman's voice, which echoes through the room.
The scene opens in a hotel room, where a young woman named "Shiina" is trying to seduce a young man named "Sebastian." Sebastian tries to get Sebastian to stop, but Sebastian is adamant that he is not a pervert. The young man, however, is insistent that he be allowed to have sex with the woman. Sebastian, who has been drinking heavily, tries to convince Sebastian that the woman is drunk, but the young man insists that she is not. Sebastian is convinced that the young woman is sucking him, and he tries to comfort him by saying that she will not bite him. Sebastian's attempts to calm him down are interrupted by the sound of a woman's voice, which echoes through the room.