"Even though cum . . I just twisted my ankle. I only ankle twisted" , says the narrator. He's not sure what's wrong, but he's going to take a close look at his friend's cock and see if he can figure out what it's all about. First, he wants to know if the cock's itching or not. He wants to make sure that the snot in the boy's mouth is actually cum. The narrator then tells the boy to take off his pants and panties and open his mouth. Then he'll make sure the boy doesn't make him repeat himself by spreading his cock all over his body. Then the boy will have to make himself cum by licking the tip of his tongue. Then, the boy should put his mouth in the mouth of the boy who's about to suck on him. Finally, he should try to squeeze the tip into his mouth and make him cum with his mouth . This is going to be a big hit with the boy.
"Even though cum . . I just twisted my ankle. I only ankle twisted" , says the narrator. He's not sure what's wrong, but he's going to take a close look at his friend's cock and see if he can figure out what it's all about. First, he wants to know if the cock's itching or not. He wants to make sure that the snot in the boy's mouth is actually cum. The narrator then tells the boy to take off his pants and panties and open his mouth. Then he'll make sure the boy doesn't make him repeat himself by spreading his cock all over his body. Then the boy will have to make himself cum by licking the tip of his tongue. Then, the boy should put his mouth in the mouth of the boy who's about to suck on him. Finally, he should try to squeeze the tip into his mouth and make him cum with his mouth . This is going to be a big hit with the boy.