In this chapter, Souma's maid and Soumya's servant discuss their recent decision to live together. Souma thanks Souma for giving him a housewarming gift, which he promptly unwraps and throws into the trash. The maid, however, is not satisfied with the gift, and she begins to question the servant's motives for living with her. She asks him if he would like to have sex with her, and he replies that he would, but that he does not want to force it on her. He then tells her that he is not forcing her to do anything, but rather that he wants to do it if she does not wish to do so with him. When the maid asks if she is forcing herself, she replies that she is not, and that she will not force anything on him. She then tells him that if he does want to do the sex, she will do it with him, but if he doesn't want it, then he can do it without her. When she asks him what he is going to do, he says that he will "swallow ah" , which is a sexual term for "swell" or "swallow" . When he is done, he asks her if she would like him to squeeze her . She says that she would do it, but she would not listen to him, and so she says she would rather squeeze him than listen to what he says. He tells her to squeeze him, which she does, and they begin to kiss. When they are done, she tells him to take the kiss off, and then she says, "Sigh, take it off . . wait, minuite, wait . it is still an embarrasssing , sigh toto, beat pant, to me , be cause . nip startle push, ah , ni drip drip startle , push ah, no ! . throw pant, why's you hiding , it still's an embarrassment, sigh, toto ." When she is finished, she asks, "So how was it?" , and the maid says