This chapter opens with a conversation between a young woman named Tomi and a man named Hiroyuki. Hiroyuki is a friend of Tomi's, and the two of them plan to meet Hiro's younger brother, who is also a client of theirs. The young man, who works as a waiter in a restaurant, is shy and timid, but Tomi assures him that she will introduce him to anyone who will listen. The two men plan to go for a walk together, and Hiroyuki tells Tomi that he is shy, too, because he is a young man. Tomi, however, is not shy, and she tells him that it is rare that a man walks past her and injures her quickly. She tells Hiro that she is not in love with anyone, and that she does not want to marry anyone from another country. She says that she would like to be a woman, but that her job keeps her busy.
This chapter opens with a conversation between a young woman named Tomi and a man named Hiroyuki. Hiroyuki is a friend of Tomi's, and the two of them plan to meet Hiro's younger brother, who is also a client of theirs. The young man, who works as a waiter in a restaurant, is shy and timid, but Tomi assures him that she will introduce him to anyone who will listen. The two men plan to go for a walk together, and Hiroyuki tells Tomi that he is shy, too, because he is a young man. Tomi, however, is not shy, and she tells him that it is rare that a man walks past her and injures her quickly. She tells Hiro that she is not in love with anyone, and that she does not want to marry anyone from another country. She says that she would like to be a woman, but that her job keeps her busy.