Mad Venus and My Honey • Escape Code • Page ik-page-3890200
Escape Code
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About This Chapter
It's been a month since Hiroshi found out that his father was having an affair with another woman. He's still not sure what's going on, but he does know that his mom thinks he's on Hiroshi's side. He also knows that the key to the house has been thrown away in the trash. Hiroshi asks where his sister is, and she says she's nowhere to be found. He asks her why she hasn't asked him any questions about his father. She says she found the key in her sister's things that were thrown away. She left it in her will, and Hiroshi thinks she was kicked out by her father, but she doesn't know why. He tells her that he'll never see her again, and that she has always been on his mind.
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Mad Venus and My Honey • Escape Code • Page ik-page-3890200
Escape Code
This is a locked chapterEscape Code
About This Chapter
It's been a month since Hiroshi found out that his father was having an affair with another woman. He's still not sure what's going on, but he does know that his mom thinks he's on Hiroshi's side. He also knows that the key to the house has been thrown away in the trash. Hiroshi asks where his sister is, and she says she's nowhere to be found. He asks her why she hasn't asked him any questions about his father. She says she found the key in her sister's things that were thrown away. She left it in her will, and Hiroshi thinks she was kicked out by her father, but she doesn't know why. He tells her that he'll never see her again, and that she has always been on his mind.
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