In this short scene, the protagonist introduces himself as "Koga," a med student from Okayama, Japan, who has just arrived at a new college dorm in Shiga, a city in northeastern Japan. He asks the other students in the dorm to leave him as much alone as possible, but they refuse, saying that "lonely being alone is lonely being by yourself" . The protagonist, however, is not lonely, and he promises to hold a party for him at the dorm that night.
In this short scene, the protagonist introduces himself as "Koga," a med student from Okayama, Japan, who has just arrived at a new college dorm in Shiga, a city in northeastern Japan. He asks the other students in the dorm to leave him as much alone as possible, but they refuse, saying that "lonely being alone is lonely being by yourself" . The protagonist, however, is not lonely, and he promises to hold a party for him at the dorm that night.